Ugam Annual Report

Ugam Annual Report

Annual Report design for Ugam Education Foundation, India Year: 2019 Design Brief: To design a brochure for potential sponsors and donors. The brochure needed to be crisp, clean and minimalistic.  Ugam education foundation, is a non-profit organization that is working...
Nectar Tiffin Packaging

Nectar Tiffin Packaging

Nectar Tiffin, India Year: 2020 Design Brief: To design simple and strong labels for Nectar Tiffin. Design Solution: Based on the identity we created for Nectar we have designed jar labels for Nectar Tiffin. Keeping in mind the saturated market space with Honey...
Girls Empowerment Posters

Girls Empowerment Posters

Ugam Education Foundation, India Year: 2020 Design Brief: To design Girls Empowerment Posters for Ugam Foundation.  Design Solution: Ugam education foundation, is a non-profit organization that is working with the local government in the rural districts of Jharkhand...
Urja Magazine

Urja Magazine

Ugam Education Foundation, India Year: 2021 Design Brief: To design Urja, a girls magazine in form of Posters for the students of KGBV.  Ugam education foundation, is a non-profit organization that is working with the local government in the rural districts of...
Anita and Anand Wedding Invite

Anita and Anand Wedding Invite

Anita and Anand, USA Year: 2020 Design Brief: To illustrate and design a fun and quirky wedding invite! Design Solution:  Anita and Anand got married during Covid! 2020 has been a very difficult year for many couples, especially the ones who’s family and friends...